October 17, 2022

Chicago Marathon 2022

 Still trying to figure out how I feel about this race. My time was fine, 3:06:... but I never felt really good during the race.  Given the great conditions this year, 50s most the way and then maybe just 60 degrees in the last few miles, I was hoping to go faster. Definitely should have stuck with the 3:05 pace group because I past them at about mile 8 or 9 and then died toward the end.  It was fun showing Carlos Andres around and meeting up with him, Paul and Ozzi race morning! Met an interesting guy completing his 42nd Chicago Marathon.  

Still, glad to be able to be part of this event and finish and race!


September 1, 2022

North Ave Beach Swim 9-1-22

Good way to welcome in metrological fall: really fun swim with Rich in Lake Michigan this AM and got to see the sun rise over the lake!  A chilly 68 degrees and no wet suit so I was FREEZING. But survived.  

August 4, 2022

Mid-season Burnout

Well, its August 4th today and I'm feeling a bit burned out. I have one more multisport event, the Naperville Duathlon, on Sunday 8/7 and then just the marathon in October. I've had an up and down season so far. Du Nationals was great, then I struggled at the St. Joe's Steelhead 70.3 and went off course at the Wauconda Olympic distance tri. I don't have much else to show for this season. I'm hoping I can find some additional motivation and energy before Sunday's duathlon. One thing that was fun was our vacation in ME. Lots of great hiking around Acadia National Park and amazing views of the ocean. I got in some good runs as well and we had a fun family bike ride at the Schoodic Peninsula. Finished off with a great tour of Boston.

May 12, 2022

2022 Duathlon Nationals, Irving, TX 4/30/22

Duathlon Nationals went well. Won my age group by over 3 minutes!  Really fun race too. I hung back through the first 3 miles of the opening 10 K and then took the lead on the second lap of the run course and never looked back.  The bike was really fun too because I had the lead motorcycle out in front to follow until mile 20. I knew I would get passed by the overall race leaders, but expected to be overtaken sooner, so the fact that I was still out in front that far into the race was very reassuring.  Also, my coach Liz was at the race and giving me updates on the competition.    

Here is my bike the night before the race, ready to go. It had a major make over and I got a bike fitting the month before the race. It really paid off because my bike split was 1:02, that's fast for me!

Here I am with the 2nd place winner, Paul. Below top 3! 

April 11, 2022

MATTS John Frasier Memorial TT April 10th 2022

 Did my first TT in at least 10 years on Sunday.  This was the Matts 7.7 mile TT in Maple Park, IL.  Very flat course but incredibly windy. My time was 20:13, so about 22-23 mph? Finished toward the bottom of my age group.  I'm happy with my race and it was a learning experience. Need to make serious adjustments to my bike and riding position before Duathlon Nationals in 3 weeks!