December 29, 2023

New Years 2023/24

 I'm never really sure how you label the new year: is it named for the last day of the old year (like you're celebrating New Year's Eve) or the first day of the new year? Anyway, its December 29th, 2023 and I'm thinking about 2024 and what lies ahead.  I'm so down right now. I just can't find the motivation and not sure I want to be around for next year or the one after that.  Its great having the kids home for the holiday and I enjoy their company, but for some reason, that's not enough.  I just feel it's all pointless... Need to regroup and find something to hang on to.  I have racing goals, like the Boston Marathon and Duathlon Nationals. But somehow those don't mean much now.  Will have to see if I feel different in the new year.  

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