November 30, 2023

Twenty One

Lance and Mikaely turned 21 last week... so hard to believe they are actualy adults! I know, I've had 4 years to accept that since they turned 18, but it's still so hard! We had a really fun weekend in Tampa, FL celebrating their 21st and it is only hitting me now that this is it: they are no longer "kids" in any real sense. They are adults with the ability to make their own decisions, control the course of their lives, and make all of the mistakes that we all make in this thing we call life. I'm so proud of the people they are: kind, considerate, smart, athletic, determined, and respectful! It just sucks though that life goes so fast, that you never really appreciate the moments and stages of life while you're actually living them, but only afterward. 
They are amazing people!

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