August 13, 2023

Summer Vaca 2023

We really wern't sure if we would get in a summer vaca this year becuase kids were so busy. Even when we did plan one around moving Lance back to school, Mik didn't want to go becuase it cut into her time with AJ before she goes back to school. I missed the first part oo. But in the end, we all enjoyed it and we had a blast! I met up with everyone in Buffalo, NY after thay moved Lance in and were on their way to Toronto. We stopped at Niagra Falls, then on to the National Bank Tennis Tournament where we got to see Carlos and many of the top 10 men in tennis. So exciting to see tennis at thie level up close! Some of the funniest things revolved around silly stuff like our "Canadians is players too" version of the goofy song "Girls is players too". I laughed so hard I cried!

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