June 28, 2023

Steelhead Ironman 70.3 Triathlon

This past Sunday (6/25/23) was the Steelhead 70.3 race.  Very disappointed with my time, given it was more than 15 minutes slower than last year. And it wasn't just a bad performance in once area: each leg of the race and the transitions were all slower. 

What was so disappointing was that I trained much harder this year than last year, especially on the swim.  Nevertheless, I swam a minute slower, I biked 5 minutes slower and I ran 8 minutes slower. I can't attribute that to equipment or weather, neither was a  factor.  I'm left wondering what went so wrong.

One nice thing was that I bumped into an old friend, Glenn Rolbiecki. really nice guy and great triathlete who has been competing as long as I have.  He took this photo at the finish line. I love the photo because I have no other picture at a race where I'm smiling.  In all the race photos I'm grimacing! 


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