December 30, 2021

Sad End to 2021

Well, 2021 is going out, much like it came in, sucking big time! This year stunk on so many levels. Yes, things did look up for a while there: at points in the summer and fall it looked like it might go back to some resemblance of normal. But that was just a teaser, were still as fucked as ever! Right now, my entire family has COVID or at least some nasty flu like disease. We all got tested and just awaiting the bad news!

At least there were some races in 2021. Many tris were canceled, but I eked out one race, Lake Zurich. It sucked! No bike. Yes, that's right, no bike. WTF, right?  

The Chicago Marathon was good though. I felt unsure going into the race, but ended up talking to a lot of runners around me and actually had fun and a good race. My time was slow, but so was everyone's due to warm conditions. 

Now on to 2022 with great trepidation! I have a busy race schedule if, and only if, all goes precisely as planned. Fingers crossed! Damn COVID!  

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