March 2, 2020

Coach Early

I'm very happy with my new coach so far.  Nick is able to balance prescribing work outs and his expectations with listening to me and what I think I need in terms of intensity, frequency and blend of swimming, biking and running.  That's a tricky thing to pull off!  From my perspective, the one concern I have at this point is over-training.  Last year on about March first, I was at the same point in my build up.  But last year the race I was training for was mid-April.  This year the race I'm training for is May 30th, 6-weeks later.  I'm a little worried I'm going to over-do it and develop an over-use injury, peak too soon or just get burned out by mid-May. 

Yesterday was the first time I got outside on my bike. Raf and I rode 36 miles and it was really nice!  Can't wait till all the workouts are outdoors.   

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