October 28, 2019

Kids Homecoming 2019

Here are some nice photos from Homecoming 2019

Chicago marathon-4th in age group

The marathon was just a little over 2 weeks ago.  My time was 3:04:30 and I finished 4th in my age group, my best age group placing in 17 tries! I guess all the guys my age are retiring or have died!  I'm very happy with that time because its 4 minutes faster than last year when I thought I had a good race and could never go faster. 

October 9, 2019

4 days till chicago marathon

Hummm, how am I feeling?  I'm really not sure. Training went fine. I could have done a few more long runs, but otherwise, I'm feeling ok about the effort up to this point.  But still, I have a lot of apprehension about the race. CAn I run at least the same time as last year and feel as good as last year? That race feels like a fluke!  I just hope I can finish!