September 30, 2019

Chicago Marathon- less than 2 weeks away

Training had been going horribly until this Sunday. Despite staying up late on Saturday with the kids' homecoming and being really busy, my 20 mile run on sunday went great.  I started slow and easy and gradually built up confidence as I went.  Ran through the Morton Arboretum which was wet (from all weekend rain) and lush, as well as very quite.  Beautiful! Ran the last mile in 6:21 and felt pretty good afterward.  I'm fairly optimistic, but still not sure I can run like last year.  That feels like a fluke.  I'm going to go in with the same strategy as last year: start out with the 3:10 pace group and play it by ear. Eat goo every 2-3 miles, drink at every water stop and focus on efficient running. Also, try and talk to people around me. Hope it all comes together!  Chris

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