April 22, 2019

Looking at what worked

Had a chance to review some of the data that I could gather from my Garmin.

1.  It appears that in the month of March 2019 I had the highest workout volume over he last 3 years I've been recording. January and February were low-average, but then I really bumped it up last month.

2. A training race before an A race: I did a hard half marathon exactly one month before my A race (Du Nationals). I think that was critical. It gave me a lot of confidence going into DN and I also think it bumped up my fitness beyond what I could have done without an actual race situation as part of my training.

3. More time on my race bike. Despite lousy conditions for riding out side, I put in quite a few longer rides on my racing bike. That helped me to stay in the aero position and push from that position. 

4. Focused on volume over intensity.  I did a small amount of HIIT, but nothing like I did last year.  But I think that actually helped me to not get injured and to save that energy for longer workouts.  The race was a 2 + hour race, so doing HIIT for a race like that isn't going to really help you.     

5. Not getting crazy. What I mean is that  I enjoyed my spring break vacation with the family, went to movies, did all the normal things and didn't get crazed that I had to workout every minute. That kept me from going over the top and having conflicts with my  wife and kids. They will always be my priority! 

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