April 2, 2019

Killer workout

On Sunday, 3/30/19, I did an epic workout for the ages! It was like some of the Ironman training I did back in the 90s.  Now at 61 years old, it all seems a bit harder and its definitely a lot slower, but at least I can still pull a hard workout out of my butt once in a while!
    Started with 35 mile ride to Fermi Lab with Raf. Then 5 mile run at Marywood with some hills (3 x 0.2 mile hill repeat) and a hard mile (6:30 x 1 mile). Then another 15 miles riding, trying to stay on the aero bars, then 2 miles running at Danada horse track, then 4 miles back home. The whole workout took about 5 hours including some time for coffee (hey, you got to stay caffinated!). 

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