October 18, 2018

What worked this year in the marathon

This was one of my slower marathons, but at 60 years old, it was kind of remarkable because I felt great through the whole race and never hit the wall. Some years, like 2017, I've barley made it to the finish line and this year I ran my fastest splits at 25 and 26  miles. So why was it better this year?  Here is what I think went right:

1) better carb loading the night before. Pounded down pasta!

2) better fueling up in the morning. Downed a can of Ensure when I first woke up and then ate my usual pre-race breakfast on top of that.

3) right at the start I downed a small bottle of Gatorade that I had added a salt tablet to and one extra strength Tylenol.  Obviously the salt was to stave off cramps and the Tylenol was for pain.  I didn't have a single cramp in the race and that is the first time that's happened ever!  I probably didn't need the Tylenol, but last year was so painful that I was expecting the worst.

4) ran with my friend Bob from miles 3-18 and that really helped to keep my spirits up and also helped us run an even pace.  Bob's GPS is more accurate than mine and he held us at a 7:10-7:15 min/mile pace for that whole distance. Even after he dropped back, I kept that same pace until mile 24 when I realized that I would be able to finish stronger. 

5) did a good job taking in gels every 30 minutes and drinking Gatorade at every aide station.

6) not sure how much this helped, but I think a lot: wore the new Nike Vapor Fly 4% marathon shoes! Those things are awesome. Super light weight, but still provide support and some "bounce". They seem to decrease the stress on your feet as well as preserve your leg muscles a little.  Best marathon shoes, ever!

7) patience: I usually hate holding back and can't keep myself from going too hard in the early part of the race. But this year I told myself I had to have patience and it worked.  I focused on watching the crowd and other runners and thinking about what they were experiencing. As always, the crown around miles 9-10 is the best. The synchronized gay drill team and cheer leaders.  But all the water stops were supportive and fun. 

8)  thinking about my mom for inspiration.       

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