September 30, 2018

Last long run before 2018 Chi Marathon

Ran 12 miles at a good clip today with the GER. I'm feel excited but also nervous about the race. Hopefully I'm fully recovered and ready to go next Sunday! 

September 26, 2018

10 days and counting to end of this racing season!

Wow, this has been a very long racing season for me!  Starting in January I began training for my first race, the Duathlon Nationals in early April. Then I just kept it going with a race in June, July, August and September. Now one more, the Chicago Marathon in 109 days.  I did my last long run on Sunday and looking forward to an easy 10-12 miles this Sunday and then a deep taper! 

September 17, 2018

Last Tri of 2018!

Yesterday was the North Shore Tri and my last triathlon of 2018.  This was (likely) my best season ever!  I'm very happy with my time and finishing place from this race:

My friend and long time racing buddy, Rich "RawBone" Hill also made an amazing come back to triathlon racing!  Fun day all around.  On to the Chicago Marathon.

September 10, 2018

Marathon training

Squeaked out 20 miles on Sunday!  Not too bad for where I should be at this point in training.  The only problem is that I'm doing a sprint tri this Sunday so I won't be able to run much this weekend. 

September 4, 2018

Chicago marathon training

Ran 16 miles this weekend, but really struggled with that distance. it was probably too much to jump from a longest run of 13 miles to 16 miles. I'm hoping that I can do 18 this Sunday and then 20 on 9/16. If I can at least get to 20 miles by then, I'll feel like I can finish the marathon even if I don't do well.