August 13, 2018

USA Triathlon Nationals -Cleveland, OH

I had a good race at nationals on Saturday. I'm a little disappointed because I was hoping to come in the top 5, but I placed 6th. However, that was my best finish at nationals and I felt like I raced as hard as I possibly could.  The swim was difficult for me and I struggled a bit in the final leg back to shore due to the way the waves were splashing in my face making it difficult to breath.  Then I got back into a rhythm on the bike thanks to #716, a guy with a disk wheel who raced me all the way.  We took turns passing each other, but we never drafted. Once on the run I was just pushing as hard as I could with what I had left.  I thought about my mom, but to be honest, I was so out of it that I could just focus on putting one foot in front of the other and getting to the line. 

This was a long racing season, but I'm proud that I accomplished my two goals: complete the duathlon and triathlon nationals.  It wasn't easy getting to these races due to all the commitments with the kids, work and my mom (in the spring). Plus there were many times I thought my hip/ham string injury was going to prevent me from racing.  But I stuck it out and took 3rd at Duathlon nationals and now 6th here!  I just have two goals left: do one more tri so I can get ranked, and complete the Chicago marathon.  Then I will take some time off (but not too much!).   

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