July 24, 2018

Harrington Beach Swim this AM

Amazing swim with Rich in Lake Michigan as the sun was rising.  There was an off shore marine layer that was illuminated by the first rays of the sun.  Water was cool with nice size swells, but no chop.  Awesome! 

July 18, 2018

USA Triathlon Age Group Nationals

On to the USA Tri age-group nations!  Saturday Aug. 11th is Nationals so just over 3 weeks away!  I'm feeling pretty confident after lake Zurich and feeling pretty good about my cycling.  hopefully I can ride at about the same pace as in LZ when I'm in Cleveland. Oh, that;s the one down side, its in Cleveland!  

July 9, 2018

Lake Zurich Tri

Finally had a good race where I was able to push hard on the bike and still run well.  As usual, my swim sucked: 29+ minutes, but both transitions were good. This was a very hard effort for me and I'm feeling it today.  Total time 2:14:27.

July 2, 2018

Lake Zurich Tri in 6 days

I'm feeling pretty good about my preparation for the LZ tri this Sunday.  I need to qualify for Nationals, so I need a good, but not great race.  Just hope I don't flat, crash or cramp up.  Had a good brick w/o yesterday albeit warm temps (high of 96 degrees).