April 26, 2018

Lapapalooza and first bike to work of Spring

Sunday I did the lapapalooza (swim as many yd. as possible in 20 min) and then Tuesday I rode to work for the first time this spring (weather has sucked!). I got in 44 lengths or 22 laps in 20  min- pretty pathetic!  Did my usual 3.5 mile TT (twice around the lake) on my way to work and it took over 11 minutes (should be possible in <10 min).  So I've got a ways to go! 
Its great to be outside again! 

April 20, 2018

Not Dead Yet Triathlon Club on Garmin

As the founder, CEO, CFO, Grand Poo Bah, President, El Presidente and Head Master of the NDY World Triathlon Club, I just posted a new and important statement about the importance of not letting our sport get dragged into politics. As a service to all my readers (0.0), I am re-posting it here:

"Dear NDY Tri Members:  It is important for us as a community to remember that triathlon and running as sport are above politics!  As I muller over the current stormy situation in our capital, I comey to the conclusion that athletic endeavors trump this patrician bickering!  We need to devos ourselves of the notion that we must take side and avoid arguing over mnuchin. If we ben carson around an attitude, Ivanka tell you that it will only hurt our sport!  When we're russian to judgement and bolten to argue over politics, then we can only collude that none of this mattis! We need to kushner our harsh rhetoric and remember, there are good people on both side, both side. Let us nazie our fellow runners as right wing or left wing, but be penceive. During these sessions, we don't want to discuss racism, sexism or the environment because these are perryless topics. Instead, it would be pruitt to discuss how the economy is doing in this melinia and the future of our country!"

April 10, 2018

Duathlon Nationals

That was a fun race and a great venue.  I didn't do as well as I had hoped: 3rd place and over 2 minutes behind the winner.  I spent the 20 minutes before the start looking at pictures of my Mom and thinking about her.  I really wanted to win for her and I do feel like I tried my best, but it just wasn't my day.
 I felt great in the first run and went into the transition in good shape. I had my usual quick transition and started the bike in first place, but got past by the eventual winner, Dave Burkhart, about 3 miles in.  I tried to hang with him, but at the turn around I couldn't hold on any longer and lost contact. The 2nd half of the bike was the worst due to cold. My whole body got stiff and I felt like I just couldn't focus on riding and pushing.  T2 was also difficult as I couldn't feel my feet or hands so I couldn't grab the heel of my shoes to get them on and couldn't get my legs going for the first mile.  I got past again, but where, I'm not sure. Spend 30 minutes in medical tent shivering and trying to warm up after the race.
       It was great having Diana there cheering me on at each transition and half way point of the run. Other than freezing, I loved the event, location and course. But best of all, I enjoyed spending the weekend with Diana and seeing the town!

April 3, 2018

Training build up

I just looked back on the total kcals as a measure of training volume for the month of March.  I don't have too much to compare to, but for at least the last year, that was the biggest month so far!  Despite all of the sadness of this past week, I'm looking forward to the race and to dedicating this race to my mom, Betty! 

April 2, 2018

Rough week

It has been a very hard week. My mom passed away last Thursday night after a long battle with lung disease and other complications.  I flew from vacation in Tucson, AZ to FL to be with my dad, sister and brother.  It was good to be all together at this very difficult time and to have a chance to remember my mom by reading through her journal and telling stories. She was an amazing person who despite physical limitations had no limits in terms of kindness, friendship and love of nature! She was always fascinated by birds and by how these beautiful creatures existed in a separate space outside of the human world. While she will always be a part of my world, I think she is now also a part of nature including the world of birds!