March 22, 2018

A little over two weeks to go!

Ok, we're down to just 17 days to racing!  The training has been going pretty well.  Today I did a brick consisting of a fairly hard 50 minutes on the stationary bike (easy warm up for 20 and then a hard TT like effort for 30) then went outside and ran 10 K at a 7:20 pace over all (all of it was under 8, but the 5th mile was under 7 min/mile).  I felt wiped out at the end. One more hard weekend and then I can ease up a little. 

March 14, 2018

10K time trial today

Ran a 10K time trial by doing two laps on the "Grovin in the Grove" 5K course today. It was slightly hilly and cool and windy out. Given that, I had a decent run: 6:20/mile for a time of 39:20. The heart rate monitor was obviously not picking up because I'm sure I was around my max most of the way! 

March 8, 2018

One month to Duathlon Nationals

Yikes: only one month to go. Hope I can keep up the volume and intensity until I can taper!
  So far I'm pretty happy with the effort. S and S, strong and steady!