November 14, 2017

Together We Tri Indoor Triathlon

On Sunday I did the TWT Indoor Tri at Glenview Park District.  Really fun race!  Friendly volunteers and raised money for JDRF.  I really like the way they weight each of the events so that it isn't just about the bike as happens in the MITCS indoor tri. 

Personally, I'm very encouraged because my running has been a little suspect laterly and I've been wondering if I'm losing my ability to really run fast, but at this race I had a solid run.  If the distance is what they said it was (~8 laps/mile), then I ran right around 2.5 miles in 15 minutes o 6 min miles.  If that's the case, then I'm really pleased.  I use to regularly run that pace at the MITCS, but in the last 5 years I haven't been able to crack 6 min/mile pace. 

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