October 17, 2017

Duathlon Nationals training starts this week!

Ok, the marathon is over and there is nothing scheduled between now and the Duathlon Nationals in April.  My goal is to do as well as possible at that race!  to be more specific, I'm hoping for a top 3 finish. To get there, I'm going to focus the next 3 months on biking and running with more time spend on the biking.  Lots of interval training and some bricks thrown in there.  I'm also going to keep up with swimming at least 1-2 x/week so that I don't regress.  My secondary goal is the Tri Nationals in August.  I may schedule a few races before the end of this year just to keep it real like a 10K or half marathon.  Then in January and February I'll do the indoor triathlon series and maybe an outdoor 10K or biking TT.  Let the training begin! 

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