July 24, 2017

7/23/17- Awesome ride on Campton Hills Rd yesterday AM.  Started out with my brother-in-law in Carol Stream on Smith Rd, which was nice, but Campton Hills is the best! Rolling with a few small out of the saddle climbs.  Its the closest we get to real hills here in northern IL.

July 19, 2017

5K running TT

July 19th, 2017: Did a 5K time trial today for comparison.  My time was 19:59, 5 seconds slower than in April.  But conditions were very different. In April it was 40 degrees and windy and today it was mid 80s and humid.  Interestingly, back then my HR topped out at around 165 and today it topped out at 140, more than 20 bpm slower. Part of that difference can be explained by vasodilation as evidenced by profuse sweating today, but I'm very surprised my HR wasn't higher.  I had zero time in zone 5 and last time I was in zone 5 for 15 minutes.  Weird!

July 10, 2017

Really fun open water swim in Lake Michigan from Hartigan Beach Park yesterday morning. Met Rich at 7 Am and swam about 1.2 miles. Very invigorating!  Then drove up to NW University in Evanston to watch my daughter play soccer at a camp.  Fun morning!